Stayover at Wyncy's yst. :D was fun.
had the student ambass chalet at changi before that, and that place albeit deserted, was HUGEEEEE as fCk. i swear we have to have a chalet there, it's great for accomodating huge number of people. were kinda antisocial at first, but we slowly managed to ice break ourselves eventually and had to leave just as the fire just started to get hot. :( (was raining, so they made a makeshift pit of aluminium trays). The amt of beehoon was preposterous. you'll understand when i get the pictures up. stole our last minute satays and bade farewell!
I SWEAR, why do people like to kill me first in murderer games?! Makes me sad. ):
dinner after that was Ajisen at Parkway, teriyaki dry was salty though, blegh. anyways.
stocked on whatever we had to, bubble tea and OCK and what not and bused over to Wyncy's.
salvin,wyncy,christine,jo,wenlin,calvin,alyssa,tony,emmanuel,vincent,me. am i missing out anybody?
wyncy stays in this huggggeee land-spaced house in Eunos which could accomodate us, thankfully. had semi tong xiao mahjong and lost $1.40. D: BOOOOO. Now Calvin's going to use the fact that he helped me win once as an excuse. Hahahaha, no fair! Tony's mother suddenly requested for him to go home without a rhyme or reason, so he had to; and as did Alyssa. everyone else stayed though, for mahjong, cards, dingding and dongdong.
bought beer in the wee hours at 7-11 where the cashier asked if we had umbrella (rihanna) on the phone, which none of us had at that time, so sadly; we couldn't transfer. uncle didn't get sehhh on like 1/2 a can of heineken, which is depressing. no more jokes about him high :(
beer makes me emo. especially heineken. i don't know why, it's probably the bitter aftertaste.
we finally stopped at abt 4, and headed upstairs to the comforts of an air conditioned room. wahhhh. played truth or dare with jumbo cards and made fun of vincent's sleeping form. HAHAHA. slept at about 6 and woke up ard 11 ish the next day.
greeted by dingding and dongdong in the early morning, weee. :D jo had to leave early to the airport and vincent took the shun feng che. walked over to a hokkien mee shop where even the cheapest plate costs $4. D: was good though, and auntie favoured me with 4 prawns instead of 3. ^^" *beams BUSED HOME ! :D and slept from about 4-9.30.
woke up and got mummy to buy me horfun for dinner cause she finished all the side dishes that were meant to be kept for me!! and i just found out that my grandmother mixed my kelloggs corn with my breakfast bran under the same packet. old people are so anal, it's not as though an extra pack of thing is getting in your way, aye?! makes me depressed, now it tastes weird. :(
everyone loves a dork, so i'm ending my post here. hahs.