I'm still a little upset at the fact that Eric Dill left TC5. Kyle Patrick obviously does NOT have a voice as distinguished and intruiging as Eric does. Sadly, I sense it will be the end of both Eric's and TC5's career. Boo. They've totally gone on a new image too! Which is SADDDD. I'm an upset fanboy.

shimmering falls. :D

I'm listening to "give it up to me" by sean paul. hahhaar. catchy. makes me want to dance; at the same time, reminds me of MISS USA RACHEL (something, reyes I think) who fell flat on her ass during the eveninggown round of Miss Universe 2006/7? when this song was played.
LOL. funny times.
Bused down myself to get donuts from Munchy cause Zhen had some calf problem and also because I've still got BUS CONCESSION. Oi vey! It's such a lovely thing to have. Got my donuts and uncle met me later, cause he needed to modify his PSP. gahhhhh, i'm such a bad donut handler; I swear your strawberry donuts will become straw-nana-chocolate-pop-berry donuts.
I'm that bad, the box was flying about. HAHAHR. Uncle got a free monster hunter 2 game or something which I took forever to figure out playing on the bus. Thinking back, I still don't know what to do. stupid game urh, can't even jump!! Not my fault the controls are sooooo lame. Hahs.
Suddenly I'm thinking it all wouldn't work anymore.
Do I have this fierce, qian bian, lan jiao bin when I don't smile at all? This whole day I was getting intent glares from civilised-like, suit wearing people whom I just merely looked at. This makes me sad. I'm harmless, I swear!!
Do I have this fierce, qian bian, lan jiao bin when I don't smile at all? This whole day I was getting intent glares from civilised-like, suit wearing people whom I just merely looked at. This makes me sad. I'm harmless, I swear!!
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