Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
#01. Almost (Majority) of these girls speak with a faux accent that they try to pull off as crassy. Apparently not. It sounds far from what it's supposed to sound like and it's hideous. It makes you look retarded. I'mmrh shooo happayy to bay heruh. *flashy smile- Err. Next?
#02. I fricken can't believe how pretty some of these girls are. Wow. So pretty that even Cadenze and Celeste made it to the Top10. Kudos for drugging the judges without anyone seeing. Celeste, at least okayyy lurh. Cadenzeeee... cannot make it. Lol. (Explained later)
#03. Of course all of you are excited. Is that the only word that comes to your mind when the hosts ask you how you are feeling? Eloquent, ladies. Eloquent.
#04. How are several of the questions relevant for asking in MSU? I mean.
"If you had to dance with either Glenn or the FD, who would you choose and why?'
.... Does that even matter? Shouldn't MSU be about world peace and pearly whities? Or even, how to make the world a better place? That IS very mundane of pageants, but isn't that what Miss Whatevers are about? Lol. I guess their trying to pull the witty side from the contestants, but it's a little or rather, VERY redundant.
#05. Some girls simply have horrible diction and horrendous vocab. The government should focus on ENGRISH COOL! instead of the mother tongue counterpart. I is so happy that he win my heart that time. HEHE.
#06. Jonathan Leong's guest starring was okay. Cept' I'm a complete asshole today, and I think his song was COMPLETELY anti-climax and monotone. ZZzzzz. ... -AH? HUH? WINNER ANNOUNCE ALR. URH?!
#07. At least Celeste was hideously well versed. I like how she presented herself and she was good with her words. Cadenze on the other hand..
How would you tell your friend he/she has body odour? (Asked by Paul Twohill.)
Teehee. Wow, tricky. I would urh. relate to him urh. my own body odour and tell him how urh. I use perfume to cover it up. Urh. Yah. Urh. this would give me opportunity to buy him perfume. Thank you.
........ LOLOLOL.
Okay. No more.
You've heard me whine enough.
At least I thought the winner was deserving. All final 3 were. Albeit I think Jessica looks a lot like Jade. Hmm. But creamest of the croppest anyways. :D
I sincerely urge all chio bus to apply when they reach legal age. I know Singapore is worthy and capable of better.
really made my day. :D
ah, the warmth and care.
I'm feeling much better alr. -promise!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I feel sick and despaired.
I feel useless and unworthy.
I feel tired and helpless.
I feel ugly and despised.
I feel cold and terrible.
I feel unwanted and sadden.
I feel lifeless and insecure.
I'm just reaching out to you.
To no avail.
I realise.
You're never there.
I feel emo and lost.
I feel suicidal and-
It's supposed to end like that. Lol.
Go consult your literature teacher if you don't get it.
That's my emo poem for today, cause I really feel terrible.
Don't worry, I'm not going to kill myself. I'm better than that. D:
putting on a fanciful facade for today. happy. oh so happy..
*On a happier note, I watched Digimon just now. Downloaded it. Hehs. Oh well. How I wish I were a digi-destined. :\ Something, or rather; somemon that I can relate to.
Yesterday, I was damn (powered whatever, whatever) fricken bored. And I woke up at about 9+,10? So I had tons of time on my hands. I wandered in and out of my room; to the hall, and back, to the toilet, just for the sake of looking in the mirror, and out; and into the kitchen, to rummage the fridge just for fun, and out.
You get my point.
So, I decided to go out, besides; I have to go back to NV to collect my cert. So I went out to a nearby coffeeshop to eat my lunch alone (so sad. ):) and then 156ed down to Sengkang before LRTing to school. So many new faces, machiam I stranger. Hardly any students I recognised, probably apart from Collin and others others, whom I didn't acknowledge cause I only briefly know. Collected my cert then wandered into the canteen, just to see the aunties; then left. So loser right?
Was supposed to meet KC and Ant and blah blah to collect together, but I really had that much time on my hands. If you were wondering why I'm so lonely, it's partly because everyone else has started school, and the HTM people are having orientation or something, till late-and the SP and NP people are simply too far to reach out to. The LRM and BSG ones, I didn't ask; but I don't think they'd be very free either. :\
Cause I REALLY had nothing to do, I trained down to Dhoby-then walked to Bugis. Save money you know? I went into the National Library once, then left for Bugis Street. Kiaed alone, lol- and bought a cap and chain for $14 altogether. Quite worthwhile I think. Bloody rained on and off, when the cats and dogs simply refused to drop, I went back to the National Library again.
Read some book on art or something, might as well prepare for school since I have so much time. and eavesdropped on the person beside me on the phone. Dono what proposal, dono what you don't trust me shit. It was all in joking demean, and nobody was going to punch anyone through the phone so.. I have a horrible habit of doing that. D: Not my fault!! It just travels to my ears.
edited* OH YA. I forgot to post about the malay scripture exhibition on the 9th floor. Dono something something Chien or Guan reference place. There was this malay scripture exhibition, and no one was on that level. WAS FRICKEN QUIET. so I wandered around, flip flops in my hands (cause if I wear got the kee-yak kee-yak sound, very puo huai qi fen). It was alot on like stones and stuff. I didn't want to read the translations cause the whole atmosphere made it rather fricky. Later like read finish the subscript liao then kena curse or something. Hahs. I was in this red room, then further down was the green room.
I heard talking. Mumbling talking. I stood rooted lurh can. Then i fricken ran out, and went the other way towards the direction of the sound /like any stupid retarded lead actor in horror films. CHEH. they had a prerecorded video on the other side, playing this guy speaking. zzz. So anticlimax. But there was this ear phone playing this malay girl singing a poem, that one quite scary lurh. Lol.
Was a fruitful experience lurh, at least that level de security guard was nice. She smiled at me. :D Woot. I wonder if they get paid for such a bo liao job.
Denny was in the district, cause he studies there. wahlaos. Pangsehhhh!! ): Had one hour break but he chose to have lunch with his friends instead. So saddened. Nevermind urh-zz
So after, I had Strawberry cheese at the Hans there. Costs $3. I'll tell you all the details, cause I really remember everything of my horribly scarred day. I like strawberried stuff, nice. :D and then walked back to Dhoby for dinner (also alone. zzz)
Then I trained back.
I will start accepting loser comments after I press publish. Thanks. Rotten eggs will gladly be dis-appreciated (is there such a word?)
nevermind. lots of fluid will do the trick, like i've always done.
i changed my email eh!!
if I haven't added you, so sorry.
I like it, has a ring to it. ^^"
Thursday, April 26, 2007
That was like before. Lol
That was like after, with 1/2 the dishes not finished. It's fricken filling okay. And it was 23.something nett per person. WAHLAOS. 2 people adds the total cost to about 47.
Each mini dish costs aboutttt 2++? 2++ for like ikan bilis. Lol. Final verdict: Not very worth it. The satay thing-thong and the .. egg tauhu thing-thong was good though.
Just like.. go if you want to try something new, or have too much money on your hands. Mama paid for me, so it's okay. :D LOL!!
Eat your hearts out. Just don't grow fat.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I get pissed off when I speak to stupid people. Please get more intellectual.
This girl added me on friendster through someone I think, and today she decided to speak to me on MSN. Granted I alr. know who she is.
The conversation starts with a usual hello and whatever, then she asks me to give her more comments on friendster. I reply with a casual okay, and she asks you know who I am?
oh gosh, why yes. your name is fricken in your msn nick and it tallies with your friendster one. like duh. besides, i've seen your email when you added me the first time around. good grief !
i replied with "like duh."
and she didn't understand what that meant.
and you think they were starting to become more IT saavy.
I feel bitchy today. *rollseyes. :D
Monday, April 23, 2007
i have elephant glue on my fingers. So damn annoying.
Godbless nail polish removers. It's helped, but it's still there. Somebody please chop off my fingers. Pris.
So she's wearing cool sunglasses everywhere. Lol!
And she can't do strenuous activities, so we're ta paoing or doing simple cooking.
i'm cooking pasta today. mummmmmum. :D
So damn bored at home today lurh. Everyone else has started school, so I was like waiting for someone to text me online or through the phone. To no avail, so went gym lurh. Hope my whole body doesn't ache when I go listen to Moses talk tomorrow. :\ Hahs.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
For pure designers only. OI Wonka I! I-yo was our name-oh. With our sexalishcious flag and our mascot. Didn't start out very exciting or enthusiastic at first, but once you start to get to know people, the enthusiasm didn't really matter anymore. You'd just rather want to hang out and talk. Lol. Am I making sense? There was this night walk thing, with dead people all about. The design seniors made up fucked ghost stories to fricken scare us, wahhhhlaos. But at least the walk was fun, the IT group can vouch for that. I think.
A lil obvious I crashed right? The only one aiming the dif' direction. Hahs.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
design camp may be a bit dull for now, but once you guys get the hang of adrenaline, it'll be a blast. goooooooo!
A E I-YO U !!
Monday, April 16, 2007
The first day was a little dead, everyone was a lil luke-warm. No one was overly enthusiastic about the cheering or anything else only because we barely knew each other. I mean, honestly, that's how all camps start right?! Apart from the lunch cheering lurh, cause we all want lunch; the boot-camp style.
The following days were better (apart from the mornings, where sleepy-eyed Benn would usually huddle in the corner and look at the enthusiastic weirdoes with 'that' look.) I screamed my lungs out twice, and got my voice hoarse; both in which wern't very serious. Didn't zao sia all that much. Still very sexi kay, my voice. Sub-com was a blast, and the trip to Mac at CPF Building was rather fruitful. With a slipful of emails (*paper stolen from the notebook of someone, mwaha, whom I have no idea who); our friendster accounts jumpped like by 30 full people lurh. Shiok!
After camp, the folllowing night was FULL of mass-msn-chats; with chatlogs the length the width of Singapore. My msn was tuh-tuh-dunging the entire time. Lol. Zilra loves each other that mch. (:
Today, no voice still go K-boxing with Amanda and Zhen. Last minute decision, nothing to do; figured I had enough sleep. Lest become pig. T'was okay, silly people didn't want to refill for us, no ren qing wei; even with Zhen's charm. Smuggled food in, and Suzanne too. Yes we're that illegal, even with the manager walking up and down the many many corridors. So eng urh, lol; be manager.
Dinner at the foodcourt cause I refused to withdraw money, my bank pokking alr. So long never put things in, keep taking out. Beep, breakdown! Discussed future plans man. THINK FAR!! Kids, sigh. It's so damn good to be a teen.
Fast forward, pulled Zhen out of the train at Hougang, damn fricken hillarious//whilst sending songs. Camwhored on the bus on the way back with Amanda. Woots. Typical. LOLOL! That's about it. Love you readers, too lazy to type in detail.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Called me PAPA.
OMGOSH. so cute can. want bring home.
everybody knows I secretly take pictures of kawaii babies off the streets right?! xD
Stalked up on chocolate just now, with my trip to NTUC.
cravings, cravings, pregnancy. zzz.
Hell yes. Design students of TP came knocking on my door just now. Waha. Another camp in 2 fricking weeks. Shish. Machiam got selected for some competition.
"You've been selected to join SINGAPORE'S NEXT TOP MODEL!!!"
oh my god!!!!! *jumps about like crazy american*
then what about ryan loh?
also got a bit of the police feel. stand outside there, coo coo one. Make me kia kia. o.o
so sorry couldn't meet with you guys today.
You are The Wheel of Fortune
Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success
The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Okay lah, interesting lurh, but so little info.
Let me be your Vanna White! Buy a vowel sir?
Smiles and sachays over and taps glowing screen.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Had Canned Campbell soup yst.
Had Cup Noodles today.
Argh. I hate myself. Lol!
I was like in a toilet? Avoiding pursuit from some weird weird people. Apparently I was hiding in the cubicle, and my bag (The Ripcurl one) was outside, against the wall, next to the sink. And I'm thinking, shit! (No pun intended) I can't go out and get it, what if they see me? So I leave it outside hoping my attackers don't come in.
Then the most hilarious thing happens. A guy walks in and attempts to steal my bag. After doing his business, he takes my bag out and lala. He gets chopped to a kazillion pieces.
Now here's the fun part. Then this sensei oracle like person (Think Chow Yun Fat with his black sunglasses) comes into the toilet. He washes his hands and talks to me in the cubicle at the same time.
"You know they're after you."
*A very duh moment-
Then he was like.
"I was once an entrepreneur too, A businessman. Then, it didn't do very well and they came after me."
[basically to say, he sucked at whatever he did, and his business BANKRUPT]
-insert interesting escaping story cause I didn't really remember-
I think it was something about by train, by boat, by bus sort of thing. Like epic drama.
Then, the mob outside shouted
"He's over there, he's over there; zai na li!"
Boom boom boom, they run past the toilet door.
and then.
I woke up. o.o
But pretty exciting story anyways right? I don't get what I possibly could have done in the day to get this dream.
I think the bankruptcy thing is from XI LING MEN. and the entrepreneur thing and killer thing is from 13 BIAN.
Gosh, the things drama can do.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Check this out, tis freaky.
So a long lost classmate (Rosyth, yes Rosyth.) just hit me up for no apparent reason on MSN, to reveal sparkling revelations. WAH!
Start Conversation:
Li Lin says:
eh!! do u know who am i?!
Benn says:
tan right? o.o if i'm not wrong.
Li Lin says:
ahem anyway yes it is :)
Okay, it's not exactly very exciting yet right? Wait lah. patience. Here comes the exciting part.
Li Lin says:
anyway! which school did you get into?
Benn says:
temasek p.
Li Lin says:
me too!
Still not very exciting yet, is it? I apologise for your lack of patience, and you dozing off and banging your head on the computer desk. Sincere sorries, but no claimage of hospital fees. Obeiquack.
Li Lin says:
which course?
Benn says:
design ~ visual com
Li Lin says:
Benn says:
O M H.
Li Lin says:
Benn says:
you're joking right?
Li Lin says:
omh? :l
Benn says:
oh my heck.
wow. xD
Li Lin says:
omg :l
hahaha im not a designing person
but i got in anyway haha!
Benn says:
this is a conspiracy!! omg.
Li Lin says:
i know :l
There. EXCITING RIGHT?! Lol. World is supppper tiny.
Again, I apologise for the overdose of ":l"s and the anticlimatic reaction of mine. Reading back, I realised I wasn't expressing the shock-nessity I was feeling at that point of time. It's some things that digital stuff can't express. A pity. I really was estatic and blown back. I swear!!
Presenting.. LI LIN!

get ready for us TP. For we're Rosythians.
Fear us!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Sengkang to Serangoon North. Can you bloody imagine. So proud of myself. It's like pass how many mrt stops can. I even walked past Buangkok, close to Ivan's place. wahahah. And surprisingly, it took only 1 hour! On the dot! Sans the time I took to pee at the petrol kiosk and replacing it with the time I actually ran (yah, pretending to be a health frick.)
so fit now.
So yst. went to Villag'e to celebrate Nick's birthday. Mwahaha, I bloody scratched the barcode. But clever people used the writing number tactic. Blahs. Better still, dneed pay fine. xD So it was pretty much just slacking and tawking. I'm broke alr, and I still owe Susan $5 ! OHMAHGOOSH.
Jasmine makes a hilarious indian, just so all you lovely kiddies know, and we were annoying the whole train. (Well majority, except those who um-chioed WITH us)
Yst's yst went to see AH CAI AT BUGIS. w00tage, baby. but so many bloody girl fans out there, clog the whole area. zzz. Didn't manage to buy anything though, save money forNick's bday!! :D
Thursday, April 5, 2007
xu chun mei.
I was watching her, engrossed; till like 3am yst. Gosh.
Am I the only one surprised she's of some rich status? Gosh. I can never be a paparazzi cause I barely follow on these things. So c'mon now people. Anyone wants to rape the heiress?
Or rather; since Singapore is such a classy country, lets all nod our little heads while we walk down the common coridoor if we see someone familiar. Even Aunty Chow, the egg seller, also must nod head urh!! :D
*I sincerely apologise for the music in the backdrop. I think it should end in around 3-4 minutes, so it won't affect that much of the video hearing. I don't think it's in replay.. is it?
I just came back from 4th Ma's place. I call her that even though she's my auntie. No idea why, just the Tan family tradition? Dinner and all that jazz. The fish was bloody orgasmic. wahaha. it was really that good. furthermre, i've finally had my first taste of chicken feet. jelly-tastic. all because my mom and I met eugene kor (cahsen) on the roads of Orchard, before he suggested we go over to have dinner; just because.. he was doing so too!
anyways, enough about the daily routine think. it gets kinda lame, this being an online diary for the world to scrutinize, so i shall post some other irrelevant stuff.
*screams from everywhere, me!- me!~ me!!=*
Can't waiiiit. :D
before any of you actually start to throw your 5 feet high heels or muddy sandals at me, let me say my piece, and then you can do it. (after i run of course) i really don't mean to flip flop shwish and swhop my blogging accounts very time, but pls note that blogging is a very 3 minute affair for me. i have to put myself into the mood to, and when i do; i go on an all time high!
but when i don't, the blog itself becomes delapitated and musty. and so, i pursue fresh! you know, like apples and oranges at the supermarket. and so, voila~ a new one it is.
of course, with a new blog, comes new things; ain't it?
' the ever so important blog skin.
(copied right off, only because i'm now too lazy to do my own. and i get bored of some designs pretty fast. so why not copy? besides, i still leave their credits. wahaha)
' the ever so important music.
(courtesy of ivan-huangyangyangfor intro-ing me this song (evan) [[whatever :P]]. and artiste jinsha. awesome song. [bu ke si yi] i think it fits the theme pretty well too huh? ^^")
' the ever so important tag box.
(new and spunky, so all of you can spam once again. (:)
' the ever so important blog name.
(a little less buay bah, and a little more self confidence. new and improved with a crude word 'orgasmic' and exciting vocabulary like extreme. suh-weet yah? (;)
' and lastly, and most importantly; the ever so important blogger.
(new and improved benn!! cuter and more exciting, lovable and more intriguing. guaranteed your satisfaction or your money back in never! o'.'o CHUU~)
With that, I conclude this post, hoping that I will have heart to keep posting in the near future. Someone please kick me in the rear if I don't. For all you loyal readers out there (if there are any. Lol!) I LOVE YOU ALL.