More camps for ol' me, so I'll start with the DESIGN one, cause it cool. :D
For pure designers only. OI Wonka I! I-yo was our name-oh. With our sexalishcious flag and our mascot. Didn't start out very exciting or enthusiastic at first, but once you start to get to know people, the enthusiasm didn't really matter anymore. You'd just rather want to hang out and talk. Lol. Am I making sense? There was this night walk thing, with dead people all about. The design seniors made up fucked ghost stories to fricken scare us, wahhhhlaos. But at least the walk was fun, the IT group can vouch for that. I think.
Cause we ghetto fab. [Yzanne]
Yes, designers are hawt.-sss [Edwin]
the extra eye's AMANDA'S. Lol! :D
Crashing with Ayton. Lol!
A lil obvious I crashed right? The only one aiming the dif' direction. Hahs.
For pure designers only. OI Wonka I! I-yo was our name-oh. With our sexalishcious flag and our mascot. Didn't start out very exciting or enthusiastic at first, but once you start to get to know people, the enthusiasm didn't really matter anymore. You'd just rather want to hang out and talk. Lol. Am I making sense? There was this night walk thing, with dead people all about. The design seniors made up fucked ghost stories to fricken scare us, wahhhhlaos. But at least the walk was fun, the IT group can vouch for that. I think.
Regatta Day. Best spirited school, anybody? Design will paint the walls, but we'll paint it withhh style.
So that's all I have for the design camp. T'was good. (: The following day after returning from the camp thing thong, had to rush down earrrrly morning to Sentosa. Met with JS, Amanda, YQ, Sam to go there, and got frickin woke up by Amanda's callllls. -.- Soaked in the sea, got burried, and just chilled. Basic stuff. Lol. JS couldn't find me, so he sorta pang sehed me, whilst I went off with Ayton; with Sam and Amanda to find people I kinda were more familiar with.
Walked two fricken tram stops to a deserted toilet to shower. Worth the while man. Rather than wait- even had time to wash my sandy clothing. LOL. A huge thank you to the gay couple(?) who squeezed a little to let me in on the tram. Hahs. The thing-thong was full, and thankfully for me, I was the only one-person there. The rest were in groups so it was harder to get space for them. Well. If you're thinking how I knew they were gay, cause one was discussing about the one hot guy hoping for a seat at the next stop after mine. Doh!
Nevermind, nevermind. Off to Vivo after the shower to eat dinner on the decks.
A lil obvious I crashed right? The only one aiming the dif' direction. Hahs.
Lol @ Alvin for pointing out my pink highlitedness. The chicky dance outside F.R was a hoot, embarassing but awesome. the strawberry soda at Daiso's pretty good too. (: and after all that jazz, off home we go.
And I fricken slept till 3pm today. And now here I am blogging ya, sweethearts? :D
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