Thursday, April 5, 2007


Okay okay!

before any of you actually start to throw your 5 feet high heels or muddy sandals at me, let me say my piece, and then you can do it. (after i run of course) i really don't mean to flip flop shwish and swhop my blogging accounts very time, but pls note that blogging is a very 3 minute affair for me. i have to put myself into the mood to, and when i do; i go on an all time high!

but when i don't, the blog itself becomes delapitated and musty. and so, i pursue fresh! you know, like apples and oranges at the supermarket. and so, voila~ a new one it is.

of course, with a new blog, comes new things; ain't it?


' the ever so important blog skin.
(copied right off, only because i'm now too lazy to do my own. and i get bored of some designs pretty fast. so why not copy? besides, i still leave their credits. wahaha)

' the ever so important music.
(courtesy of ivan-huangyangyangfor intro-ing me this song (evan) [[whatever :P]]. and artiste jinsha. awesome song. [bu ke si yi] i think it fits the theme pretty well too huh? ^^")

' the ever so important tag box.
(new and spunky, so all of you can spam once again. (:)

' the ever so important blog name.
(a little less buay bah, and a little more self confidence. new and improved with a crude word 'orgasmic' and exciting vocabulary like extreme. suh-weet yah? (;)

' and lastly, and most importantly; the ever so important blogger.
(new and improved benn!! cuter and more exciting, lovable and more intriguing. guaranteed your satisfaction or your money back in never! o'.'o CHUU~)

With that, I conclude this post, hoping that I will have heart to keep posting in the near future. Someone please kick me in the rear if I don't. For all you loyal readers out there (if there are any. Lol!) I LOVE YOU ALL.




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