
Ayeee, I'm in school listening to Kee Jan talk about scale and elevation for shopfronts. Soo boring. On Bertnam trying to blog today. Mwahaha. Had an Ikealicious dinner at where else? Lol. Wings and balls ! Wooooot. Yummay. Had class bonding time with the hood and topics got prettttty explicit. Well, not exactly raunchy; just sexually oriented. Hahaha.
Gahhh, another excercise. At least it beats having to work on the final project. Layout work brought me a 9, so i'm rather satisfied with that ! :D Zzzzzz.
I WANT DONUTS, I WANT TAIWAN (or maybe hongkong, hahahar) :D
I wnt to fish prawns and get a well deserved resstttt. ^^" so many wants, so little money, so little time. Haiiiiyo. Msn's not working for me; so that's a booboo.
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