Saturday, August 4, 2007


today was a really great day to grow and learn. history unravels itself and we learn and grow.

talk about like RESPECTING PRIVACY. erm, whatever. it's bad enough i don't respect this woman's privacy, it appears she doesn't as well, putting up some things on her blog. Perhaps it's a 'since you do it, i do it back to you' thing or a pot calling the kettle black sort of thing. I prefer to think its the latter, makes her personality uglier for my own sake of being disgusted at some people. hurhur.

So now, nevermind becomes "Too much! Roar soo feel like killing him." Wow. So now you become all abstract. Like how one word becomes seven in a shot. Whatever, okay. Next.

It's so funny, how people put how they live their fucked up lives on their headers in general. I like how they automatically diss themselves, like saying their live is like.. erm, fucked up? Lol. Way to put yourself down, hahaha. Shows how good you are at, er.. living in general?
*holds back laughter*

Erm. I have no idea why my computer hung itself at somebody's blog page. (Appears I have the habit of bolding names too!) Somebody's big face and name subconciously managed to hang my Internet explorer. Maybe it's just my computer being an awful mess and a lousy piece of junk. OR. it could be your face! I prefer to think it's the latter, again. (I love bolding.)

God, I can get so unsensitive. Right? I LOVE BEING UNSENSITIVE. WOOT.

At the very least you said it was resolved. Thank you for that.. not.

Just saying to whoever and ever, I'm not blogging about this event anymore, cause it's pretty much stupid and pointless. Just saying, give up your petty and immature acts and jump into the real world. The REAL reality comprises of sex tapes, stalkers and little perverts that like taking upskirt videos. Of course, it's just a little glimpse into the future for you, just saying.


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