Speaking to Nykelaz; i've realised I haven't camwhored in FOREVER. that's made me rather sad. blahhh.

Some other things also make me kinda sad. But I shouldn't dwell on it; it's rather premature and not meant to be in the first place. Pfft.
I'm meeting Charlene on Wednesdayyyyy. Yippeee. or not? Hm. HAHAHA. BUT. then again; tomoro is my last day at work. something to rejoice about.
Amanda; please come back from genting soon. YuanQi needs you. She's a lesbian in disguise; and i'm a gay in disguise. Lol. Later you come back; she's in jail. :X nevermind; inside thing.
Kent's nice lurhhhhhh; and Shirley and Canny and and and everyone at Wyeth. I'll miss you allllll. :D
* Jielin PMed me on friendster. SO SWEET RIGHT? LOL ^^"
I feel like posting a picture for fun. So something random off my PC:
DA JIE. I saw you on TV on CSS rooting for Elaine! :D
BENZ. I miss your crap and your lipsynching. hahaha.
KATH. When are we planning the outting thing thong? D:
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