I'm a little upset and disappointed with how priorities were placed today. Given the fact that I'm willing to sacrifice something of equal, if not more importance and the fact you didn't floors me. It makes me think that I'm no more worthy than psychological reassurance attained by bound paper. Perhaps there were given circumstances, I don't know. Whatever, don't care. over alr.
First time I've teared again in a long time for personal reasons. What a stupid reason, the last time was. Looking back few months from now, this will probably be as lame.
Perhaps I'm too drama.
PS for dinner with Amanda. Everyone else came up short and wern't free. Had the strawberry ice thingy (supposedly like those in Taiwan) on the basement level. Was sweeter than a jar of sugar, and pretty sour as well. Lol. Up to you to interpret if its good or not. Played Bball and couldn't beat the high score. Was close, but still couldn't. :( 510 with 501. Lol.
Some couple who completely didn't look the role owned us with 667 or something. Pro. The very fact that someone got 984 or something appalls me. Is that even possibly human? Lawls.
Oh well, went back to Novena to touch up with the final presentation. Few more days, and I'll be over with what I have in hand and into the next block. Looking forward to the holidays already. HAH.
I want to complain though. I have a horrible timetable for Weeks 37-40.
Photo (9am-12pm)
Public Speaking (6pm-9pm)
a lovely 6 hour break from me to you. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. for the entire 3 weeks. Kill me.
That's about what? 90 hours of break for the entire block? More than 3 days worth. Heh.
something in me actually looks forward to working and getting to know new people. the added source of income does come off attractive as well! :D
on a lighter and more pleasant note, i had my grape ice cream today again! and only today did i get the card thing. the other girl cheated me of two chops! no joke okay, it wouldave helped me get on my way to my first half-priced cone!!

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